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Displaying posts tagged with: Tina Bangel

Ep 038 3 tips to communicate confidently with your audience featuring Gina Mo

This episode was brought to you by:

SG homeloans & Learning Blocks early learning centre

Gina Molinari, affectionately known as Gina Mo, is a Confident Communication Coach.   She helps purpose-driven female entrepreneurs get clear and confident in becoming the face of their business so they can create the consistency that it takes to create momentum, results, and impact with their work.     

Gina shares her 3 tips for confident communication.  

Follow Gina on Social Media here:




We also spoke about our free resources for download:

Thriving Singer’s 6 week planner

The Singing Mastery Masterclass

Ep 037 Thriving Singer’s Planner – 6 weeks Singing, Moving, Nourishing and Believing

This episode is sponsored by

SG homeloansLearning Blocks Early Learning centres, 

Final song: Our cafe

Happy holidays to you! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday with your loved ones!

There are 3 more days until 2020!

What a year it has been for me and my family. As some of you know I have recently had a major operation. Unfortunately this year has been difficult health wise. I have had to stop my gigs because I wasn’t fit enough to sing.

I had fibroids in my uterus which had to be removed. These are normally non cancerous growth. Luckily mine fell in that category. It was the best Christmas present my family and I received.

Because my fibroid was huge it affected my breathing for singing also my iron levels were low. So I had less energy and constantly fatigued. Even climbing the stairs gave me heart palpitations.

After 4 hours of surgery three blood transfusions I completed my hysterectomy procedure – they removed my uterus along with the fibroid growth. It was a whopping 10kg and 30cm growth.

Because if the vertical cut done on my stomach I now need to build up my singing voice and muscles again.

My aim for 2020 is nourish my body and mind so I can be in tip top condition  for my gig in April.

I’ll be singing backing vocals for Sharon Cuneta during her 40th celebration in the music industry.

If you don’t know who Sharon Cuneta is, she is a Filipino singer, actress & television host. Known as one of the most prominent showbiz icons in the Philippines.

I have created a Thriving Singers planner to help me get into peak condition for then and the future.  You can use it to help you get  into top shape as a singer too!

Today’s podcast will go through the different aspects of this planner and you will be able to download it for free here: https://tinabangel.lpages.co/2020planner/

I didn’t want to overwhelm you with pages and pages of the planner so I have just given it to you as a weekly start. That way you can print it out on the Sunday ready for Monday week 1.

I will be keeping you updated via IG so make sure you follow my stories. We can keep each other accountable.

So let’s get started with the One Voice Thriving Singer planner!  6 weeks of Singing, moving, nourishing and believing.

Being a singer requires you to look after your voice, body, mind and spirit.

So our first page requires you to chart down your week.

Start with week 1 and the date.

Think of 3 goals. These goals are to be short term goals choose something you can achieve within the week also choose a goals that are challenging. Small wins win the race.

Story to banish This may take a while to to realise the story you have been telling yourself. Or it could be a story that you tell yourself all the time and you know is a whole load of BS.An example is I don’t have time to exercise- even if you do 15mins it’s still something. Where in the day can you find 15mins?

How will I move my body?

Movement gets the body and mind started. Physiology makes a huge difference. Do me a favour, try slouching… notice how you feel and what’s running through your mind. Now  stand up in a power pose- as if your Wonder Woman. Try this pose for 2 mins and notice how you feel. The way you carry yourself will make a huge difference.

How I’ll nourish my body?

Maybe you’ve indulged yourself these holidays. For me I have had too much Christmas ham, I could feel the water retention in my body. So my focus will be to not add salt to my food and drink more water. How can you nourish your body. What will you feed it?

What I will believe?

Here you can write down what your positive belief will be. Maybe it’s writing down your visualisation. Maybe you believe you are healthy and fit. Or a confident singer on stage.


Write down anything that comes to mind, perhaps how you are feeling? Are you pumped? Are you hopeful?


Each day write down what you plan to focus on –

You can break it up into morning afternoon and evening.

Don’t overwhelm yourself. The idea is to create little wins so you can keep moving forward each day and each week.

Daily planner:

Add your date, circle the day and fill out the week.

I suggest you print these pages out on Sunday and pin on your wall where you can see it every day.

What will you focus on today? You can circle one or more depending on your schedule.

Breathing work? This might include exercises. You can visit my free webinar which has a few breathing activities for you to follow.


Performance? This may include watching YouTube footage of your favourite artist so you can gain inspiration.

Vocal can include vocal scales. You may like to focus on scales that build up your strength or perhaps vocal lick.


What exercise have you planned today. Ideally 30mins of movement is beneficial.


Planning the food you will eat the night before or even the week before can be handy. Sunday is normally my meal prep day. I get inspiration from bloggers like Nourish with Renata.

Check her out at this link to see how she meal peeps to stay healthy juggling motherhood and her business.

Normally I chop up my veggies and fruit to save me from doing it during the busy week. I have ready made hummus and veggies for snacks. Nuts are also handy. I have a couple of boiled eggs ready incase I need a pick me up.

I keep myself hydrated with herbal teas and water. It’s a good idea to drink a glass of water at every meal. If you eat 6 small meals a day then that’s 6 glasses taken care of.


Depending of your phase in life you will get ample or little sleep. I guess it’s up to you how you feel in the morning. Some people are ok with 6hrs sleep others like to sleep for 8 hours.

Tracking your sleep will help you figure out what’s good for you and how it affects your day.

I normally listen to and evening mediation. It helps me to sleep well and wake up with good intentions.

I also start my morning with a morning mediation – I wake up at 6 and normally stay in bed and listen to a guided mediation.

Things aren’t  always going to fall into place. So maybe you couldn’t  fit in an activity – you have to take notice did you want to do that activity in the first place or do you think you can afford to leave it out and do it for another day.

This planner is not designed to make you feel guilty if you didn’t get to do what you wanted to do. It’s designed to open your mind to intention and inspire you to take little steps.

Those steps will add up and help you create that giant leap.

Affirmation: I have included some affirmations to help you feel positive. Say them

Out loud until you feel it in every part of your body and in every cell.


Celebrate! What goals did achieve? What did  you do well? What can you improve on. Remember Nothing is failure- it’s all learning!

Hope this will be fun way to start you new year! I know it’s going to help me.

Make sure you tag me in any of your posts or stories @tinabangel #onevoicebeheard

Ep 034 How to be a giving and gracious performer featuring David Pomeranz

This Episode was brought to you by The Singing Mastery Masterclass

I’m so excited and blessed to have this amazing performer, creator and friend as my guest on my blog.  Sharing valuable and entertaining insights into the music industry as only David can! Worth the listen for any performer. I was lucky enough to sing with David in 2012 a song called If you walked away and we will be doing it again this 31st of May at the State Theatre during his Sydney concert.

David Pomeranz is one of the most successful and prolific songwriters and performing artists on the scene today. His songs and recordings have sold over 40 million copies worldwide, earning him a total of 18 Gold and 22 Platinum records, and his live concerts have delighted and inspired millions all over the world.

In 1999, Pomeranz recorded the CD Born For You – His Best And More, a compilation of past and new love songs that became the 13th best-selling album of all time in the Philippines. 

Pomeranz’s songs include “Tryin’ to Get the Feeling Again” and “The Old Songs”, both recorded by Barry Manilow; and “It’s in Every One of Us”, which was featured in the TV specials John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together and A Muppet Family Christmas, the Dave Clark musical Time, the film Big, and at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea.

His work has been performed by artists as diverse as Bette Midler, Phoebe Snow, Freddie Mercury, Richie Sambora, Missy Elliott, The Carpenters, Harry Belafonte, Andrea Marcovicci, Donna Summer, Lillias White, The Hollies and Cliff Richard, and his various songwriting projects have amassed a total of twenty-two platinum and eighteen gold albums.

He also sang the song “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now”, which was the theme song for the television series Perfect Strangers.[2]

Sydney concert details 

31st Of May 2019, State Theatre

Tickets available at TicketMaster.com.au

Follow David

Website: http://www.davidpomeranz.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/David-Pomeranz-56742368172/

My secret weapon in Music Business

We’re in the final stretch of the year – how are your goals shaping up?

Maybe you’ve been dream boarding like crazy, writing down your goals in your journal every day, saying affirmations every day.

And then…. Nothing.

The procrastination sets in. The resistance screws up your plans. You get a speeding ticket in the post unexpectedly. Your website crashes right in the middle of a launch. Your partner starts acting weird.

Maybe it’s not just the right time? Maybe the Universe is conspiring against you?

Nope. It’s not that you are bad at manifesting. You’re probably missing pieces of the formula.

I want to share a new FREE resource with you from my friend and mentor, Denise Duffield-Thomas. It’s her very easy and practical Manifesting Formula. Sign up here or click on the photo below.


Denise is an incredible money mindset mentor, AKA “The Lucky Bitch” whose best-selling books and courses have helped thousands of entrepreneurs step-up to create success and abundance.

Denise will share her process that will take you from “personal development junkie” into a manifesting MACHINE and money magnet.

I have to say that Denise has really helped me with my money mindset when it comes to earning money as a singer. I have been able to reinforce that singing is not just a hobby but a business that has helped me grow in all areas of my life.

She makes it easy, fun and totally chilled. There’s a free cheat sheet so you can play along.

Just sign up here (it’s free): yu103.isrefer.com/go/lbmc/tinabangel/

You don’t need to be perfect, meditate five hours a day or chant under a full moon to manifest your ideal life!

But you DO need to CLEAR your mind of any blocks, get CRYSTAL clear on your goals, infuse every part of your day with positivity, take inspired ACTION and learn to RECEIVE (yes, it’s a learned process – women really struggle with that part).

Play along here: yu103.isrefer.com/go/lbmc/tinabangel/

Denise and her courses has helped me in so many ways:

  • In one month I was able to earn extra $2500 in my business by creating a live event for singers.Star maker Accelerator
  • I created and launch my first EP that was paid for through sponsorship.dsc08954
  • I found the courage to increase my vocal coaching and singing fees.singing-makes-me-feel-happy
  • I toured Australia (all expenses paid) as a backing vocalist with a celebrity singer/TV host filling 2000 plus capacity venue.14440764_10153907573773263_896116673717818319_n
  • I set boundaries and work with people that I feel a connection with or inspire me as a performer
  • David Pomeranz and Tina Bangel. Editing the clip down to less than 15mins was so hard because David was so entertaining!Tina Bangel and Lionel Cole
  • I was able to give better opportunities and gigs to my students


Here are 5 tips to help me manifest my goals as a singer and vocal coach using Denise’s teaching:


Denise helped me declutter (physically, mentally and emotionally)

It’s a process that is ongoing but decluttering (which I find very difficult to do) helps you to break repeating patterns over and over again.

The energy you free up will allow you to manifest that perfect gig, that dream body or create that perfect song.

Tina with friends Pam Picart, Clarissa Bock, Steff Martonhelyi

For myself, I had to free my mindset as singing just being a “hobby.” I now treat it like a business and by doing that it helped me to unblock the flow of success. Once I started treating it like business I felt comfortable calling myself a professional singer and a vocal coach, I received better opportunities and I found people asking me how much I charge for a my services.

Decluttering the people I surrounded myself with helped as well. I surrounded myself with people who appreciated my talents. I surrounded myself with people I admired and respected me. I deleted “friends” on Facebook who didn’t serve me but gravitated toward people who inspire me in my business and family life.

Forgiving is part of decluttering. I had to forgive my family members who made me feel unworthy or not capable of making a living from singing. I had to forgive myself for not treating singing seriously when I was younger and being naïve.


Define what you really want. It’s no use saying I want to earn $500 per gig but it’s requires you to work and prepare for it longer than expected.

Do you want more gigs? How many? What kind of gigs do you want? Corporate, festivals, pubs and clubs? Be specific.

How many gigs will you do for free and what kind of boundaries will you set when it comes to free gigs. It’s ok to set boundaries and let people know that you do not work for free or you require transport money. You have worked hard on your craft you deserve to be paid.

Get clear on what it is you really want. Who would you like to work with, who would you like to taught by, who would you like to meet to inspire you to be a better version of yourself? (for me it was of course Oprah)

Oprah and Tina

For example, I would like to be singing at a wedding on a beach in the Maldives, all expenses paid (food, travel, accommodation) for a couple who are beautiful kind people and who appreciate our music. Their guests are fun loving and are touched by our performance.

This goes with your band members that you would like to attract too.

to the type of performer you would like to be, even to how you would like your voice to sound like?

I created a vision board 15 years ago and I cut out a picture of a lady with a guitar who left her TV job to be the backing vocalist for Tina Turner. I hoped one to be a backing vocalist for a famous person. Over the past 6 years I have been blessed enough to sing, travel and tour with famous celebrities mainly from the Philippines.



I also had a picture I cut out of Julie Andrews at Disneyland with kids hoping to one day bring students there to sing.  It happened in 2013.

Article Ang Kalatas

Article Ang Kalatas



Visualising what you want and feeling it to your very core will help you manifest it quicker.

If you want a wonderful performance visiualiuse yourself performing with confidence, hear your voice being expressive and free. See the crowd cheering or giving you the standing ovation at the end of a song, feel the lights on your face, feel yourself moving freely and effortly on stage with the band grooving, smiling feeling and enjoying creating the music with you.



Take action

Decide which action step need to be next to pull opportunities towards you

What team would you need to surround yourself with to make the goals happen? Do you need a vocal coach, a manager, a choreographer, a musical director.

Start building a team around you now rather than waiting a few weeks before a performance

Take tie for yourself to celebrate wins and evaluate. Balance work and fun so you don’t burn out.


Give yourself permission to shine, to be on the stage! My favourite Lucky Bitch Mantra is “I serve, I deserve!” Learn to receive money or opportunities that comes to you. Don’t lose sitght of a free coffee on your coffee card, a free service that someone has kindly offered you. Be grateful (even by praying) and show it.

Go ahead and do the steps for yourself.  Join the free short manifesting course that will help you gravitate to your ideal gigs, people to work with and enless opportunities.

Just sign up here (it’s free): yu103.isrefer.com/go/lbmc/tinabangel/

Comment below and tell me what you want to manifest!



The Vision

imageWhat is a Vision?

A vision is a dream or a thought that never leaves your sight. It’s there when you wake in the morning until you rest your head at night.

It’s not quite a destination but it is the masterpiece that when you look back you can see the puzzle prices fitting together.

Sometimes it’s ok not to have a solid clear vision, but as our journey continues we just need to focus on how we want to feel at the end of every day.

You may find yourself pivoting at times but other times you may feel that you are on the right path.

What do you do to stay focused?

Surround yourself with people who lift you up and bring out the best in you. It may be a group of family or friends who are like minded.

I have a mastermind group that I consult with every fortnight.
Together we hold each other accountable for the top 3 goals we wish to achieve within that fortnight.
We help each other with challenges and celebrate our wins. It’s so helpful to have people help you think outside the box or bounce ideas off each other.

Finding golden nuggets in resources are handy to keep your focus. I listen to podcasts such as the School Of Greatness by Lewis Howes. I also have my own podcast called One Voice can change the world with Tina Bangel. I interview singers, performers whom I feel are inspiring and are at a level that performers can aspire towards. I hire coaches, I read books and watch Ted talks or motivational YouTube clips to help me keep on track.

My favourite all time Ted talk is starting with your Why by Simon Sinik. It’s one of the top most watched Ted talk. When you watch it you will understand why.
Sinik mentions why we need to start with our why.

He explains why any person or organization can explain what they do; some can explain how they are different or better; but very few can clearly articulate why.

WHY is not about money or profit – those are results.WHY is the thing that inspires us and inspires those around us.

When you know your why a clear vision can be formed.

When you know your why the navigation toward your distination becomes easier and much smoother.

From Martin Luther King, Jr. to Steve Jobs to the Wright Brothers,
Start with Why shows that the leaders who inspire all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way – and it’s the complete opposite of what everyone else does.

It’s a must read for anyone who wants to know how to stay focused.

When is the best time to create a life vision?
My earliest memory of wanting to be a singer was as young as 7 years old, As I held my favourite records in my hand I would imagine myself on stage. Subconsciously I feel I worked towards that dream.
We should never underestimate the power of a vision, even a young child’s vision.

My mother has her slum book from when she was much younger and her sisters filled out the section that asked – what is your ambition: one sister wrote at the age of 6 years old – to heal the sick. She is a doctor with her own medical surgery. Often she travels the world to conduct medical missions.

For myself I had plenty of goals. Goals to learn how to sing, goals to be a session singer, goals to be a working vocalist in a corporate band or wedding singer.

After achieving many of these goals I realised that I lacked motivation. It felt like I was travelling to gigs, singing to the audience and then hoping back in the van, home, sleep and then doing it all over again.

I lacked vision and a purpose. I didn’t know my WHY.

Over the years I have discovered that music and singing is much more powerful. Teaching singing and a program called Kindermusik helped me see the power it has in the life of a child. It helped them emotionally, physically, mentally and socially.

After years of teaching and performing I now know that my Why is to help children Be Heard. Be Heard so they can express and deal with life and everyday situations. Be Heard through singing.

Helping them believe that their voice is important.

Helping them through the joys of music and singing.

I truly believe that if you give a child the confidence to use their voice and express their soul then they have the ability to change the world around them.

One Voice School of Singing

photo credit: Timeline Photography

3 tips that can help reach your goals:

1. Create a vision board
– add photos and words that inspire you
– cut pictures of your dreams and goals
If you are a singer perhaps it may be a photo of a stage you would like to perform. Get specific on the space, the audience, is it a huge stage or an intimate stage.
– if you want a dream job cut out photos of the office you would like to work at, images.
I had a dream of one day giving my students and opportunity to sing in Disneyland and cut out a photo of Julie Andrews with a bunch of children in the classic Disneyland Mickey Mouse Cap. It took 10 years for it to happen.

2. Visualisation

Visualise how you want to perform or your dream job. Imagine yourself in that position. Imagine the smells, the atmosphere and play the perfect movie in your mind.

3. Create

Do something small or big everyday that leads towards your dream or vision.
Connect with the people that you feel can help you. Make the calls. Step Out of your comfort zone. Just DO!


It’s more than a goal

It’s bigger than ourselves

It seems that there is never the right time to create your vision. When it comes to you, it will light you up your soul. It will fuel you to the core!

Tell me in the comments below what lights you up or tell me your big vision? Putting it out into the universe may help it come to fruition a little faster!

If you enjoyed this blog please like, comment and share it with your friends.

If you would like to help spread the word about our crowdfunding campaign called Project Be Heard, feel free to answer a few quick questions and be on our street team. You will be helping so many children deal with their struggles through music therapy. Click here to be on our street team: https://forms.typeform.io/to/fww8kJtDX2

Musically yours

Tina ???

Photo 11-07-2016, 10 37 44 AM

What New York taught me about myself, my business and personal relationships

It may sound cliche but this trip was life changing and it was time.


When I mentioned to my family that I wanted to go to New York to attend Selena Soo’s event “Get Known, Get Clients” I felt some heavy guilt.

“You’re a mum that needs to look after the family”

I always dread telling my parents my plans even though I’m a grown woman. Sometimes I start feeling like that 8 year old child, being put in her place.

I often get the response of “Bahala na”, a Filipino term translated to English as

Do what ever you want”,

“What ever”

or “Let’s see what happens.”

I hear this sentence a lot.

I heard it when I started to make singing my full time gig, I heard this when I held my One Voice concert at the Sydney Opera House, I heard this when I wanted to meet Oprah during the VIP event in Sydney.

My husband uses that term to make fun but there is a little truth to it…he always finishes up saying “Tina does what ever she wants anyway”…

He knows me too well …so do my parents… I love them for this unconditional support and love.


Luckily my son is at the age where he can look after himself and is very independent, plus he was looking forward to spending time with my parents because he gets to eat Lola’s home made Chicken nuggets and chips.

There were so many reasons why I wanted to take this trip and I knew that it was the right choice.

I felt it in my heart.

It was a choice not only for my soul and to level up my game, but also to teach and show Christian that it’s important to create opportunities for himself and not wait for people to hand it to him.

So here are the top 6 things I learnt from my New York Trip!

  1. People come into our lives for a reason

I’m so glad to have made connection with thought leaders, game changers and people working everyday to make this world a better place.

Everyone has a story and I gravitated to so many inspiring minds.  It was wonderful to connect with them as we spent 6 months together (online, working on the program) to bring our businesses to a whole new level.  I enjoyed getting to see their growth.


Take Tay and Val, film-makers and TED speakers, who travelled the world to collect people’s dreams. They were kind enough to share their story on my podcast. They now hold workshops to help people find their dreams and follow their souls calling.


Caitlin Padgett is a coach who helps successful woman change their relationship with Alcohol. She too was kind enough to share her story on the podcast and in turn giving game-changing tips to eliminate or cut down alcohol all together. As we speak she is on USA morning TV making a difference and helping people who are not on the spectrum of being alcoholic but feel sometimes alcohol can lead them to make the wrong moves. I asked her to be on the podcast to help musicians who may have some of these issues with Alcohol.

Caitlin Padgett One Voice

And how could I not forget my Aussie buddies!

Jaime Lee Fraser is a financial advisor, with kids under the age of 3 and building a 6-figure business, she is such and inspiration to me. So down to earth, driven and giving. Jaime Lee dived into this business of finance because as a young child, Jamie’s father passed away leaving the family in debt. She was able to get her family out of debt as a young woman.

Fiorella Kis Major has just come back from Bali where she held a mindfulness retreat. She is an incredible guide when it comes to meditation.


I was able to meet some friends from the School of Greatness community which was created by Lewis Howes. Danceprenuer Emeroy, Elaine from Neon Owl, Sarah (inventor of the set ready garment bags) and Gina who was kind enough to treat me to Shake Shack. It was incredible to meet them in person.



2. Stars do align 

The day I booked my flight to New York a student came into her lesson wearing an “I love New York” Jumper. I saw the signs everywhere…that same night my husband was dreaming of me singing “New York, New York” on stage. First thing I asked him was how were you feeling in the dream. He said he was happy to see me.

I see these as good signs…

After dropping me off at the airport , Rob had sent me this message.IMG_1450

What are the changes of Christian flicking through the radio channels and stumbling across my original song about him called “‪Tomorrow,‬ it’ll be a better day” … What makes it funny is that they were under the tunnel when it happened (which gets bad reception the best of time)…what are the chances.

Empty seats was an added bonus – every flight I took, had an empty seat next to me, on the way home I had all three seats to myself.

I know someone up there was looking after me for sure.

  1. Build genuine relationships 

One of Selena Soos teachings is to build relationships. She is so adamant that we put our best foot forward, make the honest and genuine connections and don’t expect things in return.  Most of all be thankful with kind gestures and gifts when someone goes out of their way to help you.

Selena is an incredible teacher, connecting people is her super power.

I would have to say that her course has been one of my favourite online course to date. She takes the time to look after each student and is very consistent and the modules are second to none. Plus she attracts the incredible experts and business owners.



What stood out to me was how people in New York are so happy to give you their connections. Something that we don’t often see here in Sydney, I’m not sure if  it’s because the music industry is so small here.

Networking and making friends came naturally to my friend Veronica Alonzo, who was there for a 6 month Broadway dance course.  She was also on my podcast. She mentioned that she always carried her CV in her bag just incase she would bump into someone who could help her get into a Broadway show. So after all her hard work and hustle, she now has landed a US agent and auditioned for Hamlet. Guess who is now signing a Broadway show contract! So proud!

Veronica Alonzo

Veronica, Jamie and I ate at my dream Filipino restaurant, Jeepney. There we met my Filipino Entrepreneur crush Nicole Ponseca! At 38, she has 2 Filipino restaurants where she mentioned the Broadway Barkadas (Filipino street slang meaning a group of friends or a gang of youths) hang out after their Broadway shows. I discovered Jeepney and her work via instagram.  Meeting her has always been on my bucket list as I admire her dedication to bring the Filipino cuisine and culture into the mainstream.


  1. Notice the Full circle moments 

There were a few full circle moments – one that stood out was meeting West End star (Miss Saigon) and singer, Roanne Monte. Roannes’ mother is very active in the Filipino community and she has helped many young Filipino singers get a start in the industry. Roanne now has a thriving business in New York and only sings for special events.

What struck me was that we only met that day and what was supposed to be a quick meet up and lunch lead into the night. We talked about her experience as a child performer and being successful on Star Search (a reality TV talent show in the 90s). The blessings and hardships of being in the modelling and music industry at a young age. A fellow introvert, she had some wonderful stories to tell and I respect her so much after getting to know her and the reasons she decided in the direction she has. She was so humble and down to earth and I absolutely love her beautiful soul.


Over the next few days I had some more God sent connections.

On the day I visited the ‪9/11‬ memorial I received a surprise message from my first cousin letting me know that he was there for work.It was great to see him; Manong Yen has always been a support since day 1. Encouraging me to not dampen my light.


That same day,  I was able to meet another incredible mentor Rachel Hanfling who is an Emmy award nominated producer and worked for the Oprah Winfrey show. I absolutely cherish the time she took the time to get to know my story, follow-up with me and see how things are going with my students and also my Oprah experience.


That night I was able to watch my dear friend Pam Picart’s cousin at Birdland. Sean Maclaughlin was incredible where he brought the audience to tears as he sung a few songs from Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens: A Benefit Concert with Bill Russell & Friends.


A few days later, I caught “Beautiful” a musical about Carole King…I cried during the standing ovation because I just couldn’t believe how special it was to be there. The cast was stunning and of course it came full circle because one of my go to songs during my start in talent quests, was her hit song “I feel the earth move”.

And boy did I feel the wonders of the universe.


  1. Wrong direction? Pivot

I did catch a few wrong trains and got off the wrong stops. Just like in life and business don’t be afraid to ask for help or direction.


If you know you are on the wrong train and have a strong gut feeling, listen and hop off that train and find the right one to take you to the right destination.

It’s ok if we don’t know everything. It’s ok to surround yourself with people who know more than you. In fact hang around people who are successful. Feed off that drive. Surrounding yourself with people who bring you down to earth yet lift you when you need it.

Don’t compare yourself with others, as this is where you need to be at in the present time.

Trust and go with the flow.

IMG-91 Tina Bangel

  1. Be grateful 

This photo says it all; my photographer friend Tina Doshi captured it. Tina also kindly sponsored my New York special podcast. Tina is incredibly giving and talented. I’m grateful she captured the moment I looked up and breathed in the possibilities.


I am so grateful for the experiences, friendships, and connections.



I can’t thank Selena enough for creating this event.

Without this event I would have not made these connections and flourished within my being.

If you are a coach, consultant or expert who wants to Get known and get clients (not only in your community but on the world scale) then I encourage you to check out this course.

Selena has the cart open for GKGC but it closes this weekend.

If you want to learn more about it follow this link. Give her an email if you would like to connect with her and ask her questions! hello [at] s2-groupe [dot] com

Watch the Trailer here

This is a life-changing course.


Tell me what is your soul calling you to do? If this speaks to you please tell me your thoughts in the comments below.  I would love for you to like and share this post with someone who need to hear this.

Musically yours Tina



How to be awesome without Alcohol – The One Voice of Caitlin Padgett

Caitlin Padgett One Voice
I met Caitlin during Selena Soo’s Get Known Get Clients live event in New York. Caitlin has this gift of capturing the room when she speaks. She is smart, a dedicated soul, an inspiration! You can see the passion she has for her work in her eyes and she genuinely wants to help others become better versions of themselves.

Caitlin Padgett is a lifestyle coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol. Whether the goal is to control their drinking through moderation techniques or to eliminate it completely, she offers an individualised program for women find freedom from alcohol, on their own terms.

I thought that this is something we need to discuss as Musicians and creative people.  I don’t want to judge people’s choices but if you feel that alcohol is necessary to get into that creative zone or relaxes you or gives you the courage but you feel it’s contributing to poor life choices then please seek professional help.  I hope you get insights to this interview with Caitlin where she shares valuable lessons and tips.

Here is what we talk about:

  • Caitlin tells us about her powerful work, how did it came about and what was the pivotal time in her life when she decided enough is enough?
  • What are strategies that creative people can tap into their “zone” without having to turn to alcohol?
  • How to deal with friends or letting go of people that don’t serve your purpose in life, what would you say to someone who is afraid to let go of what they know and who they know?
  • Dialog that people can use at the work place or events so they can feel comfortable in situations where they are encouraged to drink?
  • There are people who use alcohol to unwind after work or a gig, Caitlin suggest for people to do when they have the urge to use alcohol.
  • What is the song that changed your life and why?

For many years Caitlin felt like she was living a double life.

On the outside, she was an accomplished international advocate, living a jet-set lifestyle that took her around the world working on interesting projects. She projected confidence and a sense of adventure and fun. Yet inside she was struggling.

She was making good money, but spending a ton on after work cocktails, late nights out, bottles of wine as nightcaps, not to mention the pharmaceuticals she thought she needed to keep anxiety and sleeplessness at bay. For years she had been hiding from myself, it was becoming harder to do so. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t ignore the effects of drinking too much the night before.

But she discovered…

You can redefine your relationship to alcohol, instead of it defining you.

Caitlin says;

“ I now have a life worth remembering every second of. A life that I WANT.

Instead of copious amounts on bottles of wine, bubbly and cocktails,
I spend money on delicious, nourishing food.

Instead of hazy hungover mornings turning into wasted days,
I wake up with energy, clarity and enthusiasm.

Instead of numbing out stress, anxiety or accumulative shame,
I feel and I deal, and I know that I can handle whatever comes my way.

Instead of intimacy instigated with liquid courage,
I have deeply meaningful intimate relationships

Instead of “pre-gaming” with my girlfriends by downing a bottle (or two) of bubbly before even heading out the door,
I have beautiful rituals that allow my inner beauty to shine. People say I glow!

She goes on to say;

“It’s possible for you to have a life you want too.

You can have control over your relationship with alcohol. Life doesn’t have to be messy, overly dramatic, or filled with nagging anxiety and self-doubt. While there’s no magic pill, no quick fix, there is a way.

A way that honours and celebrates your individuality.”

If this is what you want, then connect with Caitlin here:

Sign up here to receive Caitlin’s three-part “Drink Less Success” Video series and as a special bonus you’ll also be the first to receive her

“How to be awesome without alcohol” video training as soon as it is released!!

This video series is especially relevant to those of us who rely on networking and being active in nightlife for the success of our careers. I know you’ll get a lot out of it!

You can get her book here:

Drink Less Be More: How to have a great night (and life!) without getting wasted

Connect with Caitlin at this link: http://caitlinpadgett.com/one-voice/


Sponsored by Tina Doshi – Photographer and Small Business Strategist

Selena Soo founder of the 6 month course Get known Get clients
Download Selena’s free report Here
OUTRO SONG : You can get a copy of Dorothy Ruby Shoes here

The dos and don’ts during a Jam Session – The One Voice of Don Cabrera

I’m so excited to share Don Cabrera’s story. We met during the Charice and Lea Salonga concerts.

Tina Bangel with Troy Laureta, Martin Serra, Dominic Cabrera and Daniel March

Tina Bangel with Troy Laureta, Martin Serra, Dominic Cabrera and Daniel March


I guess the aim of this is to shed light on how to build working relationships as a musician or performer.  I see a common thread in successful musicians, that it’s all about the people you surrounded yourself with, not only was Don very talented but he worked on his craft and developed strong relationships over time with people.

In this interview we focus on the idea of how important networking is and creating a community so together we work to lift each other up.

That is why he created the West Sessions – a Jam night which will be held on the 18th of May, 2016 at the Blacktown Arts Centre.  Doors open at 6pm.

He chats about the dos and don’ts during a Jam session.  We dive into his musical upbringing, how he motivates himself, his mentors and his vision for the future.

Dominic is one of Australia’s top drummers and is an in demand session musician from Sydney. He works with Sony Music Australia, Warner Music Australia and has performed with artists such as:

Tim Omaji (Timomatic)
Guy Sebastian
Jessica Mauboy
Delta Goodrem
Samantha Jade
Justice Crew
Rob Mills
Stan Walker
Taylor Henderson
Reigan Derry


Jessie J
Nico & Vinz
Josh Groban
Benji Madden
Lea Salonga
Aston Merrygold

Dom regularly appears in television shows and features including X-Factor, The Voice, The ARIA Awards, Young Talent Time, The Morning Show, The Today Show, Sunrise & Mornings. He teaches privately, upon request, and has hosted popular collaborative jam sessions/residencies, where Sydney’s creative and performing arts community are of constant attendance.

Dom’s first encounter with playing the drums was by getting in trouble with his primary school teacher while banging beats on his little school desk as a child, back in the Philippines. The teacher saw the potential and talent behind the energetic troublesome boy and cultivated it by letting him share his gift, playing a solo marching snare piece for the annual school festival that year. That ignited a flame and passion that would never be extinguished.

Having started with the guitar at the age of 9 and the bass after moving to Australia at the age of 13, Dom has always been exposed to music of all styles, growing up and coming from a family of musicians. He gained experience throughout his teens playing for his youth group all around Australia. These years of being self-taught were very crucial to him, allowing him to find and harness his natural strengths as a musician and discovering his own style, voice and character. Dom would play anything and everything by ear when he listened to the radio/TV, while keeping a special place in his heart for melodic rock.

After being the most prized all-around musician in his high school, Dom finally found home in the drums once again, deciding to make it his full-time instrument. The movement, physicality, style, raw expression, musicality.. everything about the craft made him fall in love with the art of drumming.

Dominic was offered a Bachelor of Music course at the Australian Institute of Music despite not having his Higher School Certificate. During the years of studying and gigging, he has toured, performed and recorded with some of Australia’s leading and upcoming talents. He has learnt from some of the world’s best musician educators and his studies and exploration has led him to finding a deep passion for experimental music.

Dcd is available for private lessons and is currently regularly playing with Cyrus, SSJ & Jeremy Gregory.

He is proudly endorsed by Sonor Drums, UFiP Cymbals & Silverfox Drumticks.

Click here for more information: THE WEST SESSIONS

A couple of years ago, Don had a heavy feeling of incompletion and couldn’t shake it off. He had made a career out of playing music in the “city scene” but it felt selfish and distant from the people who raised and nurtured me in the arts. He missed his peers who mentored him and had the same passion for music, without ANY money or politics involved.. Just for the pure love of it.
Don and his friends have the opportunity to give back, reconnect, (hopefully) inspire, and just have a fun old time sharing music with anyone and everyone; the youth groups, the churches, the schools and multicultural families.

“After all, some of the heaviest mf’s come from the west 😉  Please join us for some nights of good vibes and let’s make the scene back home alive again 😉 The West Sessions.” Says Don!

So tell me your go to song during a Jam session?  What insights did you get from Don?

If you enjoyed this interview please like, comment and share it.

See you at the Jam! Tina

Don Cabrera


How to find the courage to follow your dreams – The One Voice of Tay and Val

One Voice can change the world podcast


The next few episodes of One Voice can change the world podcast I will be interviewing amazing guests I met in New York. I was in New York for a conference organised by Selena Soo. During that event I met some visionary entrepreneurs who are set to change the world with their work.

You are going to be inspired by these world-class leaders.

If you would like to learn more about Selena Soo she actually had a free report that you can download from my show notes. You can learn how she can help you spread your message to the world in an authentic and purposeful way.

I met our next guests at the event. We also did Selena’s course together. When you hear their story it will inspire you to dream big! The world is truly a better place with these wonderful women in it.

Collecting dreams in Costa Rica

TAY & VAL Award-winning filmmakers and inspirational storytellers from Singapore, Tay and Val are living examples of dreamers who have cycled and traveled across the globe on “Project I Believe That Dreams Can Come True. “

After a chance encounter with a retired 64-year-old train master in Taiwan the girls found out that “Luo Papa” had a dream to cycle around Taiwan, stop at every train station and take a photo. They offered to accompany him to help him realise his dream.

After realising Luo Papa’s dream they kept going and haven’t stopped. They meet people who have realised their dream, also people who are realising their dreams and on the way they share their experiences and pay it forward and a “dream chain”

Luo Papa - The Taiwanese gentleman who changed our lives

During this podcast we chat about how they both met, what you do and how your work came about.

They share their journey as artist, Tay being a Filmmaker and Val being a singer, actress and artist.

I absolutely loved their TEDx talk – Dreams Unlimited. You can watch their ted talks here

TEDxWWU in Bellingham 2013

Tay and Val tell us how they landed the Ted talks, the process and challenges and what was the outcomes.

I dive into their Journey to collect people’s dreams, how they generated Sponsorship and how they planned their trip around the world.

At the end of the day, if you want to follow your dreams make sure it comes from a place of love, of service and it will become more of a reality.

If you enjoyed this episode please like, comment, share.




Selena Soo’s Free Report – How Selena Went From $0 to $157,000 in Her First Year As a Coach

Click here to download



The art of celebrating your wins – Inspired by Lea Salonga

Here we were at the back of the bar at the Intercontinental hotel.  “Hi! I’m Tina!” I said as I shook Leas’ hand.  “Yes! We met on Twitter!” Lea said.

Wow! My hero, my idol, someone that I have looked up to for over 30 years remembers me. She had responded to my blog post just before her Sydney concert: You can read it here: How to deal with Haters, Critics and Judgemental people


She told us how starving she was after her Sydney Concert at the Sydney Town Hall. I had an out of “body experience” as I sat next to Lea while she ate her burger and chips.

I think that’s the experience you get when you are in the moment.

You see everything slowing down. Yep! That’s the state I wanted to be in when I met my hero.

After years of learning her songs and listening to her recordings, I reflected back. If I had made the first Sydney cast of Miss Saigon, would I have been at this table next to Lea Salonga? I think not….

This is where my life was meant to be.

I look back and think everything has a time, there is a purpose and trust God or the universe.

I felt like all the hustle, let downs and the highs had led to this very moment.

I was happy to just “BE.”

Be in the moment. Be me.

This was my celebration.

I didn’t need to get the “selfie” with Lea.

I was just happy to soak everything in. Thank you Lea for being so gracious and down to earth. I enjoyed just chatting about our families and life.


I am thankful to our mutual friend Rosary for introducing us.  A bigger thank you to Rob and Christian for their patience.

Carol Monoloto, thank you for including my students and I at Lea’s first ever Sydney concert, what an incredible experience! Thank you to the production team, fellow support artists and especially to Andrew Baris, our dance teacher, who has the gift of bringing out the best out of us!

Thank you to the One Voice families and students for your continued support. I am extremely proud of the kids who put their heart and soul into their performances.




How do you celebrate your wins? Do you celebrate your wins? Tell us in the comments below.

Like, comment, and  share this post with someone you think should celebrate more often!


I want you to think about your latest achievement and make sure you give yourself a pat on the back. Sometimes we forget and we move on to the next goal.

You deserve that celebration.

Musically your Tina xx



If you loved these amazing photos Photo Credit goes to: Dennis Pelaez dpelaezphotography.com.au (the twins’ dad)

Thank you Cherlize’s dad Cy for taking this footage of our performance.

If you would like a copy of Be heard you can download it here on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/be-heard/id944094298?i=944094307

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