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Displaying posts tagged with: apl

APL and the Black Eyed Peas shout out from One Voice

One Voice kids are mainly of Filipino background and live in the Blacktown area. We live in the highest Australian – Filipino community in the whole of Australia.

This is our new generation of young Filipino-Australian kids (with some other kids from other awesome backgrounds)

We feel pretty blessed to grow up here in Australia.  That’s why we call it the lucky country!

You can’t even imagine how proud we are to see APL on our Aussie screens…especially Will. I .am,  whom we automatically claim as our adopted son or Kuya!

The kids and I just wanted to let you know that you all inspire us and we wanted to say thank you by singing a snippet of your songs –

APL song and Bebot!

Sending you big hugs from over the seas!

Love the One Voice Kids & Tina

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