Hi! I’m Tina Rañoso Bangel! Welcome.
I believe everyone needs to be heard. From young to old, no matter what background you have, YOU have the right to be heard.
We all have something important to share with the world.
My aim is to help bring out the courage you already have inside of you.
To nurture it, and encourage you to grow as a performer, singer or person.
You may be here because you are looking for lively, friendly and attentive singing lessons for your child who is too shy to raise their hand up in class. Singing lessons that are enjoyable will help bring them out of their shell.
You may be here because your family and friends tell you that you have a voice that can be developed. I can help cultivate it and help you bring it to a performance level that you will be proud of.
You maybe here because you have always had this innate feeling to learn how to sing with ease and for once you just want to do something for you! for your heart and soul!
Let me help you unlock the performance and vocal potential that can change your world.
Migrating from the Philippines at the age of 3, I found that having English as a second language, the sudden change of environment and culture shock held me back. I was shy, scared to hold conversations. Singing was a way of self-expression and an outlet. Singing helped me become a stronger and confident person. Not only did singing help me in my school life but it made a difference in my mental, language and social development.
This is also the main reason why I started my Kindermusik classes in Castle Hill and Rouse hill, just before I had my now 7year old boy, Christian. I wanted to be the first teacher to my son. I was able to do this through the entertaining music and movement Kindermusik activities. It was a great start to his life. I noticed that the introduction of the simple Kindermusik activities helped with his language development as well as his physical development. I have been to honoured to have shared Kindermusik with hundreds of families over the years. With many coming back to start Vocal tuition upon graduating from the Kindermusik program. I am touched when parents tell me how much of a difference it had made in their child’s confidence upon starting Preschool or Kindergarden.
I help people to dream and work towards that dream. Like you, I believe that if you really want to achieve something it takes time, belief, persistence and lots of encouragement.
Surrounding myself with a community who share my belief that One Voice can change the world has inspired me to help my students to dream big.
We celebrated our 7th birthday having our end of year concert in the most beautiful venue in the world! The Sydney Opera House.
In 2013, 7 of the One Voice students represented Glee Club Australia talent development program. They performed at the major theme parks in LA such as Disneyland, Universal Studios, California park and so many more. They also were part of the Hollywood Christmas Parade sharing the limelight with the likes of Stevie Wonder and other Hollywood A-listers.
Music and Singing is a never-ending learning experience, not only for my students but also for myself. I am constantly learning to help bring the best to my students. I have been mentored by some of the best teachers in Australia and the world. I have been a working performer for decades so I keep the fire for performance in my heart and I bring that to my teachings.
My heart fills with so much joy when parents say how much their child’s courage and determination has grown. Many of my students have performed for professional musicals such as The Lion King and The Sound of Music and amateur productions. Some have landed recording contracts in Australia and Overseas. Others have been invited as support acts for award winning international stars from the Philippines (Kuh Ledesma, Sharon Cuneta, Zsa Zsa Padilla, Lani Misalucha, Ariel Reviera, Aiza Segerrea, Charice and Martin Neivera) and America (David Pomeranz). Some have had the honour of gracing corporate events and even an invitation to sing the National Anthem in front of the Prime Minister of Australia.
I thank you for taking the time to considering working with me. In the meantime, I’d love for you to keep updated with what’s going on in the studios and my singing engagements. Like my facebook pages and sign up to my mailing list for some musical ideas and Singing Online course updates .
I hope we meet each other soon!
Until then keep the dream alive!
Musically yours, Tina