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How to attract more students, boost your student retention and make running your studio easier!

Chantelle Duffield is the founder of Studio Expansion and works with performing arts studio owners to help them attract more students, boost their student retention and make running their studio easier.

Through her online courses and her popular video blog, Studio Expansion TV, she has helped thousands of studio owners around the world share their passion for performing and the life changing benefits of the performing arts with more students!

Here are the questions I asked:

  1. Tell us about what you do?
  2. Tell us about your musical upbringing, have you always wanted to sing and how it comes about?
  3. I love seeing your photos of you conducting at the opera house, tell us about that and how you got involved?
  4. How did you make the transition from owning a successful studio to what you do now?
  5. What are the things you did as a studio owner that you felt were “failures” but helped you grow to where you are now?
  6. What are your marketing tips for people starting out their own studio?
  7. What are some tips people can do now to increase your students?
  8. What is one song that has changed your life?
  9. How can people connect with you?


Chantelle suggests:

  1. Creating an event where people can connect with you and your community
  2. Create a Leadpage where you can create a landing page that collects emails and leads:


(This is an affiliate link so if you decide to get Leadpages I will receive a commission from the sales)

  1. Create a nurture sequence of emails that offer educational tips and position you as an authority using Mailchimp.

Once you have attracted a student to your door or phone we chat about how to make an enquiry “all about the student”.

How you can start making the right connection with the potential student by asking the right questions and finding out who they are and what they would like to achieve.

Ask them 4 questions like:

  1. How old are you?
  2. Who do you like listening to?
  3. What do you want to achieve with singing?
  4. What are your singing challenges?

One tip to attract more students is to start marketing and promoting your classes or boot camp 6-8 weeks before they start.

Ways to promote your event creating consistent nudges and taps via Facebook Ads and School Newsletters.


Solidify the connection before asking them to re- enroll.

Sending postcards focusing on what they are Thriving on, what they need to work on and giving encouragement.


We dive into:

How to create a successful choir

How to grow your studio and what happens when you fear success.

How to map out your year

Plan 6 months in advance

Chantelle’s tips are:

“Do the marketing and don’t get stuck doing the day to day – don’t check your inbox straight away”

Create systems so that your studio runs smoother

– Establish Auto responders

Keeping track of the 4 quadrants at the beginning of each week: Retention, Attraction, Team and Systems


Please visit http://studioexpansion.com/

For the Free mini course: 30 Enrolments in 30 Days

What was mentioned on this podcast:

Star Maker Accelerator Live event

Lisa Messenger

Rick Barker

Bobbie Brown Makeup

Alphie Sadsad

Fideliz Cruz

Lauren Sol & Co

Lionel Cole

Outro Music: Our Cafe by Tina Bangel & Van Sereno

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